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Actraiser Renaissance
Experience the revival of the 90's classic hit "Actraiser".
• 31 minutes played
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100% Earned
Actraiser Renaissance
Divinity's End
Obtain all trophies in Actraiser Renaissance.
Ultra Rare 1.4%
Wizard Knight, Defeated
Defeat the Centaurus.
3:47:02 PM
Common 96.1%
Baleful Beast, Bested
Defeat the Minotaurus.
Common 75.8%
Crimson Blasphemy, Purged
Defeat the Manticore.
Common 73.2%
Moonlit Devilry, Banished
Defeat Zeppelin Wolf.
Common 64.5%
Sandstorm's Scourge, Slain
Defeat the Dagoba.
Common 63.7%
Golden Fiend, Judged
Defeat the Pharaoh.
Common 56.3%
Azure Flames, Extinguished
Defeat the Azure Dragon.
Common 56.9%
Inferno Everlasting, Smothered
Defeat Firewheel.
Common 51.9%
Blossom Gluttonous, Starved
Defeat the Rafflasher.
Common 52.8%
Unholy Grace, Dispelled
Defeat Kalia.
Rare 48.8%
Grotto's Hermit, Felled
Defeat the Merman Fly.
Rare 48.9%
Wyrm Condemned, Forgiven
Defeat the Arctic Wyvern.
Rare 45.9%
Abyssal Dark, Overcome
Restore Light's supremacy to the world.
Rare 43.6%
Forgotten Arbiter, Rediscovered
Defeat the guardian of Alcaleone.
Rare 33.2%
In Glorious Splendor, Rejoice
Reclaim your lost divinity in its entirety.
Common 74.4%
An Exercise in Prudence
In Special Mode, clear all stages on Easy difficulty.
Ultra Rare 3.3%
Destined for Greater Things
In Special Mode, clear all stages on Normal difficulty.
Ultra Rare 2.9%
Chosen of the Light
In Special Mode, clear all stages on Hard difficulty.
Ultra Rare 2.2%
Heaven's Conqueror
In Special Mode, clear all stages on Divine difficulty.
Ultra Rare 1.4%
A Godly New Record
In Special Mode, achieve a total score of 20,000,000 or higher.
Ultra Rare 1.6%
The Cradle of Light
Oversee the birth of a new kingdom in Fillmore.
Rare 33.9%
Fledgling Light in the Marshlands
Oversee the birth of a new kingdom in Bloodpool.
Rare 34.9%
Fledgling Light in the Desert
Oversee the birth of a new kingdom in Kasandora.
Rare 28.7%
Fledgling Light in the Highlands
Oversee the birth of a new kingdom in Aitos.
Rare 27.4%
Fledgling Light in the Forest
Oversee the birth of a new kingdom in Marahna.
Rare 27.8%
Fledgling Light in the Tundra
Oversee the birth of a new kingdom in Northwall.
Rare 24.7%
Fledgling Light in Paradise
Oversee the birth of a new kingdom in Alcaleone.
Rare 33.2%
A Legion of Goodly Souls
Achieve a total population of 3,500 or higher across all realms.
Rare 36.8%
A One Angel Army
Slay 100 monsters with the angel's arrows.
Common 81.2%
Starlight's King
Attain level 20 with Philotas.
Very Rare 5.2%
Starlight's Warden
Attain level 20 with Daniella.
Very Rare 5.1%
Starlight's Warrior
Attain level 20 with Alonso.
Ultra Rare 4.8%
Starlight's Matriarch
Attain level 20 with Migrana.
Ultra Rare 4.9%
Starlight's Patron
Attain level 20 with Shemaal.
Ultra Rare 4.7%
Starlight's Cavalier
Attain level 20 with Taia.
Ultra Rare 4.7%
There Will Come Soft Rains
Use the Soothing Rains miracle to open the skies above the purified lake of Bloodpool.
Rare 25.3%
Look on My Works and Despair
Use the Restless Earth miracle in Kasandora following the appearance of the ancient pyramid.
Rare 27.0%
Render unto the Lord
Use the Divine Lightning miracle to strike your sacred temple in Northwall.
Rare 47.9%
Come and Be Judged
Use the Soothing Rains miracle on a monster lair to hasten the emergence of fiends.
Rare 33.6%
Peace Be with You
Use the Glorious Sunlight miracle on a monster lair to delay the emergence of fiends.
Rare 44.5%